*Additional fees apply for enrollment, application, testing, on-campus privileges, etc.
Option 1: Payment in Full
100% of total tuition due at time of enrollment.
Option 2: Two Payments
50% of total tuition due at time of enrollment. Remaining balance due in 3 months.
At least one parent or legal guardian must:
At least one parent or legal guardian must:
Complete the Online Form.
You will receive an email confirming your inquiry submission with more details about CCA Online, including how to schedule a pre-application virtual meeting or phone call.
If you already have a user account for CCA from a previous application, you may log onto the admissions portal and click +Add a New Application under Application Checklist.
Every applicant is required to submit a character reference recommendation and a separate pastoral reference attesting to the applicant’s walk with the Lord.
If your child attends Middle School or Children’s Ministries at Cornerstone, you can send your recommendation requests to Pastor Ken or Pastor Barrett. If not, you can send your request to a pastor familiar with your child’s attendance at church and/or church activities.
In addition, each applicant is required to provide a completed character recommendation. This form must be completed by a non-family member such as a coach, Sunday school teacher, tutor, specials teacher (art, music, PE), childcare provider, etc.
The purpose of our virtual pre-application meeting is to learn about your family, discuss our admissions process, and determine if CCA is the right fit for your child’s educational needs.
Application Fees
A $100.00, non-refundable application fee is due at the time of the application submission.
CCA Online does not offer financial aid.
Admissions decisions will be based upon:
Enrollment offers are valid for 30 days.
A non-refundable enrollment fee of $100 is due with signed contracts to secure enrollment.
Now accepting Summer and Fall 2025 enrollment.
Campus tours available by appointment – Contact CCA Admissions to schedule.
CCA Online is for students in grades 5-12.
CCA Online offers a fully asynchronous learning experience which means no live instruction. Teachers will be available to answer questions through the secure communication portal in the learning management platform. Teachers will respond to student questions within 24 hours.
CCA Online will utilize a Biblically integrated, academically rigorous curriculum; however, it will not be from the same curriculum provider that CCA uses for in-person learning.
Teacher facilitators will monitor student progress, grade activities, and assignments within 72 hours, answer questions about content within 24 hours, and offer general guidance to help the student succeed in virtual learning. This may include clarifying curricular content and assignment details or sharing supplemental resources to aid in understanding instructional material.
If your student needs additional help beyond parental support and teacher facilitation, it is the family’s responsibility to obtain academic support, including tutors.
Currently, CCA Online is accepting full-time enrollment only. All students will enroll in the five core subjects: English, math, science, history and geography, and Bible. Electives are available to students in grades 7-12. High School students will complete additional courses outlined in their graduation plan.
CCA Online courses in grades 9-12 are accredited through our online provider’s accreditation. CCA Online will also be pursuing accreditation through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
CCA Online utilizes an academically rigorous curriculum that integrates a Biblical worldview into every course through an online learning platform designed by Ignitia, an industry leader.
Students will have access to engaging and interactive lessons, multimedia content, and assessments that are designed to cater to their individual needs and learning styles. CCA Online acknowledges that the Bible is the Word of God, without error, and the lens through which we view and determine all matters of education and life.
There are various learning activities and assessments that will be utilized in CCA Online courses including but not limited to multiple choice quizzes, short and long answer questions, true/false statements, sorting exercises, essays, projects, and interactive videos.
CCA Online students in grades 7-12 may attend on-campus activities, including Chapel on Wednesdays and after-school clubs. The fee for on-campus privileges is $500. Students may also be permitted to remain on-campus on Chapel days pending an interview with and approval from the Head of School and the Director of Online Learning. This arrangement is only valid on days the student attends Chapel (Wednesdays). CCA Online students are not eligible to participate in the CCA athletic program.
CCA Online will operate on a two-semester school year from August 15 – May 15 with a semester break scheduled at Christmas. Students are responsible for completing and turning in assignments by the posted due dates, however, students may submit work ahead of schedule.
Coursework and learning materials may be accessed at the student’s preferred time and location allowing flexibility for families.
A school day varies for each student. The system will provide a suggested calendar providing the student with guidelines for daily pacing in each subject to finish by the end of the semester. Students may do all the work in one sitting or choose to spread it out over the day. Time spent will also vary according to the student’s understanding of the course material. In general, a student will spend three to five hours per day on a computer to stay on pace with a full course load.
All students enrolled in CCA Online will learn asynchronously which means no two students are in the same place at the same time within their course content. Students will communicate regularly with their assigned teacher facilitator but do not communicate student-to-student.
CCA Online students in grades 9-12 may seek enrollment in offered honors and Advanced Placement courses for an additional fee.
Active parent involvement in supporting teacher facilitation of learning is essential for student success.
Parents are the foremost educators in their children’s lives. CCA Online will seek to strengthen, encourage, and support parents, serving families as an asset and an ally.
A $100 non-refundable application fee is due at the time of application submission.
Families will receive a 2% discount on tuition if paid in full at the time of enrollment. Financial aid is not available.
A $100 non-refundable enrollment fee is due with signed contracts to secure enrollment. 50% of tuition is due at least 14 days prior to the student’s start date. Families who opt to pay in full will receive a 2% tuition discount. All tuition and fee payments are non-refundable.
Yes, every family is required to submit a completed pastoral reference. All families must agree with our Mission, Vision, and Articles of Faith.
If your child attends Cornerstone Chapel’s Children’s Ministry or Middle School Ministry, you can send your recommendation requests to Pastor Ken or Pastor Barrett. If not, you can send your request to a pastor who is familiar with your child’s attendance at church and/or church activities.
If you are a homeschool parent, please complete the forms from the perspective of the recommender. If you are part of a homeschool co-op, anyone with current/recent experience educating your child may provide the required references.